for Black, Indigenous, and Other People of Color — Building Racial Solidarity Through Radical Healing
8:00am PT/11:00am ET
Welcome & Grounding
8:30am PT/11:30am ET
Opening Remarks — Why are we here today?
8:40am PT/11:40am ET
What is Trauma and How Does it Manifest?
9:45am PT/12:45pm ET
Extended (Meal) Break — Optional Reiki Session
10:15am PT/1:15pm ET
Trauma: Understanding Communications & Self-Care
11:15am PT/2:15pm ET
Racial Affinity Circles
11:30am PT/2:30pm ET
11:45am PT/2:45pm ET
Extended (Meal) Break
12:45pm PT/3:45pm ET
Sharing Frameworks & Trauma — Moving into Racial Affinity Circles
Our oppressions are tied, and therefore, our liberations are also tied. Who shows up when our traumas are activated? How do we continue showing up? We’ll do a collective deep dive into recognizing when our younger selves show up, notice where in our bodies we feel trauma, and understand what happens when we are triggered.
1:15pm PT/4:15pm ET
Building Cross-Racial Solidarity
Why is it important for us to build cross-racial solidarity? In what ways do the Oppression Olympics work to keep us all divided? How do we come together when we fall apart?
2:00pm PT/5:00pm ET
Closing Remarks
2:30pm PT/5:30pm ET
Fiona Oliphant
Healing Equity United -
Jess Ayden Li
Healing Equity United -
Zoë Flowers
Healing Practitioner, Filmmaker
Soul Requirements -
Jenica Wright
Trauma Informed Care & Healing Touch Practitioner